About — Direct Capital



Established in 1994, Direct Capital has been at the forefront of developing New Zealand’s private equity industry.

Direct Capital is itself a private company, owned by its executives. We understand the issues that business owners think about when considering how to grow their business or facilitate a change of ownership. Investing in private companies is all we do and it's all we've done for over 25 years.

Our Style

The common perception of what’s become known collectively as private equity is that all investors have the same style and business model. But the reality is very different.

Some investors follow a “leverage model”, relying on debt to produce financial returns. This can be successful over short periods of the economic cycle but it doesn’t work forever. Some investors are “control” focussed but that only works if you’re also running the company. 

Our returns come from investing in growth creating permanent value. We invest and become partners with owners and management running good companies and we act the same whether we are a 20% shareholder or an 80% shareholder.